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Membrane Contactor Parking Operating Instructions

发布时间:2022-04-14 浏览:1660次 字号:  
   If the membrane contactor system encounters unexpected events during operation or needs to be stopped during the cleaning cycle, it is necessary to follow a standardized stopping procedure to ensure that the membrane contactor system is well maintained. The specific stopping procedure is as follows:

> Open the bypass circulation line valves for water and acid feed, shut down the acid and water pumps, and close the water and acid feed valves;

> Wait for the inlet water pressure to reduce immobility, open the emptying valve, empty the system of accumulated liquid, (if enough time, can be left to deal with until no water droplets discharged, such as time is not enough, you need to blow directly with compressed air);

> Access tap water at the inlet of the cleaning line after parking, adjust the water volume and clean the system for 20 minutes;

> The acid line is cleaned according to the actual demand, and the cleaning process refers to the waste pipe line;

> Purging the system with degreasing, dry compressed air to regenerate the membrane contactors;









> 如下图所示,打开阀门V-101,V-102,关闭阀门V-201,V-202,通入压缩空气,调节压力至4atm,将膜组件的管程吹扫30分钟;



> 完成膜组件管程吹扫后,打开阀门V-202,关闭阀门V-102,透膜吹扫2-4h;





> 单根膜组件的吹扫气量要求为0.5-1m3/h;



> 使用压缩空气吹扫后,停止通入压缩空气,并通入低压氮气(1-2bar),低压吹扫系统,氮气吹扫维持5-10分钟;



> 氮气吹扫后,依次关闭系统排空阀、进气阀门和膜接触器进出口阀门,采用惰性气体充满系统,是为了阻止细菌滋长;



> 停机后,保持较低的氮气压力(10kPa左右);