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The new power of deammoniation-PTFE deammoniation membrane

发布时间:2022-06-09 浏览:1887次 字号:  
  High ammonia nitrogen wastewater refers to wastewater with high content of free ammonia and ammonium ions, which is widely used in pharmaceutical, pesticide, smelting, chemical industry, etc. The traditional high ammonia nitrogen wastewater treatment processes include: biological method, blowing off steam extraction, chemical precipitation method, folding point chlorination, etc., which are commonly used in practical applications such as ammonia nitrogen treatment concentration limitations, limited application of high COD, high energy consumption, secondary pollution, unstable performance and other issues.

        Nanjing Zhongke Bidun New Membrane Technology Co., Ltd. is Nanjing Bidun Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd., Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Beijing Membrane Technology Co., Ltd. jointly established a joint venture, with strong R & D, technical strength, the company is committed to polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) deammonia membrane products and their application of the development of the product is mainly characterized by the following:

         First, the membrane material is good, the membrane is good, the selection of corrosion-resistant, acid and alkali resistant, strong hydrophobic, anti-pollution, high strength PTFE for the membrane raw materials;

        Second, can be discharged directly, can be biochemical, PTFE deammonia membrane deammonia rate is high, but also multi-stage series connection, so the effluent ammonia nitrogen can be controlled, can be customized effluent ammonia nitrogen concentration to meet the different needs of the direct discharge or into the biochemical and so on;

        Third, can be cleaned, renewable, PTFE itself has a strong resistance to pollution, but the wastewater composition is extremely complex (such as: high COD, high salt, etc.), may still make PTFE deammonia membrane contamination or even serious contamination, due to the characteristics of the membrane material, can be acid, alkali, sodium hypochlorite, ethanol, etc. PTFE deammonia membrane cleaning, regeneration, so as to restore the performance of the deammonia;

        Fourth, no pollution, long life, PTFE deammonia membrane without the need to drum into the air, and separation, absorption in the relatively closed PTFE deammonia membrane module, will not produce secondary pollution of the environment, in view of the membrane material's own superior performance and complete cleaning and regeneration process which are for the PTFE deammonia membrane to provide a guarantee of long life;

        Fifth, ultra-energy-saving, occupying less land, PTFE deamidation membrane running at low pressure and no need to drum into the air or steam, which can save 90% of the energy, PTFE deamidation membrane itself set separation, absorption in one and has a large membrane area, the device occupies an area of less, and land as a relatively scarce production factors, appears to be exceptionally valuable, and sometimes even constraints on the expansion of the enterprise production and even normal production;

       Comprehensive features of the above PTFE deammonia membrane to solve some of the problems of the traditional deammonia process or with the traditional process to complement each other, which makes PTFE deammonia membrane in the field of high ammonia wastewater treatment has a better prospect of application, PTFE deammonia membrane will become a new force in the field of deammonia can not be ignored.